Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus on Way to FAI

Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus will be performing around the Folk Alliance International Conference and hosting the 3rd Coast Music Room this year in Memphis, Tenn.

Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus enjoy the dynamics of writing, recording, and singing together. They have done so for twenty-five years. Tight harmonies and a quick understanding of each other’s nuances have created an easy comfortable feel to their shows.

Turn on your radio or stream. Come see them play. Their music is fused with wisdom and beauty, gained from life's trials and a Ray of Hope

The last half of Jim & Sherry's tour, coming into and out of the FAI, takes them to their first home town of Baltimore, Maryland and to Nashville's Bluebird Café.

Feb 13  Roots Cafe w/Geoff Himes Windup Space
12 W North Ave, Baltimore, MD
5PM (410) 244-8855

Feb. 14 12 Voices Series w/David Glaser, 49 West Annapolis, MD
7:30-11PM, 410-626-9796

Feb. 17-20 Folk Alliance International Music Conference
 Memphis TN
Feb. 20 Bluebird Writers Night
4010 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN
7:30PM 615-383-1461

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