Founding member
and keyboardist Dennis Drew explains the germination of the project,
“Folk music of all types has been a strong influence on the band. One of
the songs on the new record 'Do You Love An Apple' has been in our
repertoire for 30 years. We've also recorded Carter family songs and
other American, Irish and British Folk music in the past.” With that
experience under wing, the group set out to create an entire album's
worth of modern versions of traditional British folk classics that would
fit right alongside the rest of the 10,000 Maniacs' body of work.
“These are timeless melodies,” Drew continues, “Some songs are funny,
some are heartbreaking. Most are 100, 200, 300 years old. It's crazy how
they can be turned into 21st century pop songs!”
For a taste of
what fans have in store, the band is streaming one full song from the
new album, a delightful Irish rhyme “Misty Moisty Morning,” on
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